Letter from Samuel Sweezey Seward to William Henry Seward, April 27, 1834

  • Posted on: 10 March 2016
  • By: admin

Letter from Samuel Sweezey Seward to William Henry Seward, April 27, 1834



student editor


Distributor:Seward Family Digital Archive

Institution:University of Rochester

Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections


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Letter from Samuel Sweezey Seward to William Henry Seward, April 27, 1834

action: sent

sender: Samuel Seward


Name: Samuel Seward Birth: 1768-12-05 Death: 1849-08-24

location: Florida NY


Name:  City:  Florida County:  Orange State:  NY Country:  US

receiver: William Seward


Name: William Seward Birth: 1801-05-16 Death: 1872-10-10

location: Albany NY


Name:  City:  Albany County:  Albany State:  NY Country:  US

transcription: mhr 

revision: ekk 2015-06-22

Page 1

Florida 27th Apl 1834
My dear Henry
The last letter I recived
from you stated that you with other
freinds had Chartered a Cariage to
convey you and family home and
that your business was such that you
thought it doubtfull whether you
should return. Almost at the same
time I received the Gov


Name: William  Marcy Birth: 1786-12-12 Death: 1857-07-04
special Message
have no dout you are sick and
tired of the truly Awful legislation
you have to oppose still I & earnestly
entreat you never to give up the ship
I said the moment & read the message
that I wanted not for $100 that you should
be absent – for if ever times required that
the freinds of the Constitution and thier Country
should be at their posts these are the times.
In the revolution our enemies were on the other
side of the Atlantic, The Tories were in secret
ravines and mountain tops, where are they now
at the head of our Executive Department in our
house of representatives in this Senate and
Assembly of our and many other states of the
Union. In every City Town and Village you
will find a class of office holders & office seekers
who say they are "whole Hog men and are deter-
mined to support the party at the destruction of the
country" Has it come to this that a portion
of American Citizens who claim to be a majority
of the Electors are so lost to liberty independence
and the patriotism of thier fathers as to refuse
to look into the Acts of their public servants but
for "party sake" support them 'till the last section
of our Constitution is anihiliated.
I read the Gov Mortgage message with utter
astonishment, I read the history of the Albany
manufactorial petitions to bolster ^ing^ up his rotten
cause with indignation and most sincerely
Page 2

Hope that the Legislators who could vote for such
a law as has been hurried through on his
recommendations may never have another
seat in a representative body. I read the


Name: Andrew Jackson Birth: 1767-03-15 Death: 1845-06-08
protest with Abhorrence and disgust
and his Codacile with feelings of self abasement
and shame that our republic should have
as thei ier chief Magistrate ^a man^ so filled with self consi-
quence ambision us dictation and missrule as
to one day announce to the senate that he
possesed more power than any King or
Emperor in Europe


Name:  City:   County:   State:   Country:  
and the next when his
legs smote together with fear take this emasculate
protest all back and say he did not mean so[ . ]



I blush for the servile appethy of my
country and feel constrain to say that
if the people of these United States are
prepared to submit tamely & support at the
ballot boxes such measures as have been
adapted by Andrew Jackson WL Marcy, a
Majority of the representatives in Congress
in each branch of our state Legislature and
by the Tory party now existing in the Union
then I say ferwell liberty ferwill our boasted
Constitutions farewell indepence. If
Andrew Jacksons protest is true and there
is no questions his party will support him
in it then he has nothing to do but to give
the Order and the Senate must March.
If Marcy and the Legislature are corret
then is ^it^ Constitutional to pass laws that if
I buy a farm and am not able to pay
for it my neighbor because he happens to
live next to me shall pay for it. The plan
of borrowing money of borrowing money to
lend to partisen Banks at five percent to
lend to Merchents to Assist them at seven
percent is if possible still more preposterous
But thank God the cobwebb vail of all this
traping is too thin not be seen through[ . ]



Page 3

The people are becoming alive to their
Interest, they are not willing to resign thier
liberty and property to party men speculators
and office hunters without a struggle.
I was highly gratified with Mr Griffin


Name: John Griffin Birth: 1771 Death: 1846-02-09

and your exposition plain dealing is the
only course at present our beloved Country
cost us to much to yeald it to tirants and
demego ^u^ gs. My reliance is now on the
Unions firmness and patriotism of the
Senate if they hold out the mist will
soon pass from before the peoples eyes.
I pray you to stick to and expose the
wicked plans, of the enemies of the people.
If there is one sentence of this that will
benefit the cause you are at liberty to [ make ]


Reason: wax-seal

use of it for it becomes us all to speak out
at present in great haste Adieu
Saml S. Seward
Page 4

William H Seward Esq
In Senate
Goshen AP 27 N.Y.


Type: postmark



Name: William Seward Birth: 1801-05-16 Death: 1872-10-10
S. S. Seward
April 27. 1834
Sunday, April 27, 1834