Letter from Frances Miller Seward to William Henry Seward, July 26, 1829
Letter from Frances Miller Seward to William Henry Seward, July 26, 1829
student editorTranscriber:spp:keh
Distributor:Seward Family Digital Archive
Institution:University of Rochester
Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections
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Letter from Frances Miller Seward to William Henry Seward, July 26, 1829
action: sent
Frances Seward
Name: Frances Seward
Birth: 1805-09-24
Death: 1865-06-21
Florida NY
Name: City: Florida
County: Orange
State: NY
Country: US
William Seward
Name: William Seward
Birth: 1801-05-16
Death: 1872-10-10
Auburn NY
Name: City: Auburn
County: Cayuga
State: NY
Country: US
transcription: cef
revision: crb 2015-09-30
Page 1
Florida Sunday 26th.
My Dear Henry, You see I am once more home again and though
not equally boisterous with Augustus
joy I think I am equally pleased. I wrote last on Thursday,
from Goshen
I could get no paper I did not like to send and purchase
it for fear of giving offence. On Friday Dr Evans
more sick than he had been and consented to take an emetick
In the evening Frances
from home she had gone to Mr Wescotts
as they allcall her having just expired after being sick some time. From
there we went to Dr Sewards
not appear very much pleased because I had not been there
to spend more of my time, asked if you wrote any thing
about her husband, to which I was obliged to say no. Then
we went up to Cousin Harrys
rather better promised us a visit next day with her two babies .
Cousin Harry looked very good to me having rose considerably
in my estimation since my ^your^ last letter. Saturday the Dr
N was no better Mrs Tuthill
much alarmed I could not refrain from laughing to see how
much Mrs Tuthill acted like Grandma
always views every thing on the dark side felt pretty much convin-
ced that the Dr would never get well again. Cousin Julia called in
afternoon, accompanied by Hectors
quite young and rather interesting, little Hector is a wonderful
favorite of his grandmothers rather taking precedence of Nathan
Cooper. After they left Beulah and Harry came to tea did not
bring the babies. Harry wished me very much to come and
stay with them a few days but I had already stayed one
week longer than I intended and found it necessary to come
home to get clothes for Sarah
bring me out and back again but I thought it would not answer
[top Margin] mail and opened it at Goshen I had 2 letters from you the last from Rochester
which I shall answer this evening I must now write to Lazette
this afternoon. Your Frances.
Monday morning.
Where must I direct my next letter dearest if you leave home the 1st of August
it will not reach Auburn.
to come here and return immediately so I promised a visit when I could
come out again. In the evening Frances and I went to walk and called
on Mrs Vanduzer
. She appeared to be a verypleasant woman apologized for not calling on me while in Goshen
on account of the sickness of her babe, by the way Frances Elliot
is the only lady that did call. Now Henry although this gave me
not the least mortification you must not think me obstinate should
I refuse to visit General Wickhams
convenient to call while I remain. With most of the people here
and at Goshen Mrs Wickham has only to extend her hand however
reluctantly and it is immediately grasped with the utmost gratitude
This she is sensible of, and expects, and undoubtedly thinks that I will
consider her calling at all a compliment no matter how long
it is delayed. Should she call and you wish it A I will barely return
the call before I leave Orange County
there to make a visit it will look so much as if I had only
been waiting two months for the honour. I know that this is the
calculation of your father
any thing contrary to his wishes while here but hitherto I have visited
every place he proposed sometimes very much contrary to my inclination
and sense of propriety, this time should he desire it I cannot consent
to sacrifise my self respect. shall. All this will be avoided if
Mrs Wickham does not call which I most heartily hope will be the case
I wish you could have witnessed the performance yesterday at church
when they all came, first came Mrs Ogden Hoffman
three children
then Mrs Murray
with four then Mrs HonePerson
a long time Mrs Wickham, she came in went to the Mrs Hoffmans
and made some communication and went out again, then returned
with the General, after a long time Toadey alias Anna Maria
came looking very languishing she having walked while the rest rode
in the carriages. Mrs Wickham then went over to Judge Thompsons
to talk to the girls when she came back and was seated Toadey went
through the same evolution. In the interim the Mrs Hoffmans were
constantly changing their pews talking to one another and the children. Mr
and Mrs Hone who are in mourning behaved much the most respectably retaining
through the service the seats they first occupied. I thought Hones patience
would be exhausted opening the pew door for the Mrs Hoffmans and Toadey.
Some time after church commenced Ogden Hoffman came alone he has the most
disagreeable swagger in his walk I ever saw The General offered him his
seat he thanked him out loud and took a seat on the opposite a side
of the asile. We had an excellent sermon from Mr Smith
I cannottell from what place. You cannot imagine how much I enjoyed going to
church once more and hearing again our beautiful Liturgy. I should
have come home perfectly satisfied had there been no sermon at all.
Frances said that Anna Maria was employed to take an observation of
my dress and appearance and report to the ladies it not being genteel
for ladies themselves to be gazing at such things, themselves, my composure
was not at all disturbed by the criticism it was some inconvenience to
poor Toadey as we set behind them she was obliged to turn her head
entirely around. The ladies themselves were all except Mrs Hone dressed in
calico. Mrs W. says that as every body can dress well it is much more
genteel to dress indifferently. We left the church first found the carriage
of Mr Hone and the general's phaeton drawn up before the door to
the exclusion of all the more sober looking vehicles and as they were
obliged to remain in the porch a long time for the purpose of recognizing
an acquaintance now and then the more plebian part of the congregation
were under the necessity of remaining in the back ground for a
about the space of twenty minutes. I presume this gave no dissatisfaction
for the people of Goshen appear to all be in favour of these aristocratical proceed-
ings. I did not go to Church in the afternoon but as all the nobility attended
I presume the performance was similar. I cannot endure Ogden Hoffman with
all his talents he is such a seeker after popularity. George Seward
out in the morning and attended church all day. George is a confirmed
episcopalian and talks very sensibly on the subject. As he came in
the gig I concluded it was best for me to return with thow him and
have Sarah and my trunk to be sent for tomorrow. The Dr was no better
and I could be of no assistance and Augustus of course assisted in distur-
bing the house which ought to be kept quiet. I hope I shall hear from there to day.
I had a very pleasant ride home George was very agreeable and Augustus was
delighted with returning again to his Bapa Sewards. George always evinces
so much goodness of heart and correct principle when I have a long
talk with him that I like him very much notwithstanding the roughness of his
manner which by the way is seldom exhibited when talking to me. George got the
Sunday, July 26, 1829