Letter from Alvah H. Worden to William Henry Seward, January 28, 1832

  • Posted on: 28 March 2016
  • By: admin

Letter from Alvah H. Worden to William Henry Seward, January 28, 1832



student editor


Distributor:Seward Family Digital Archive

Institution:University of Rochester

Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections


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Letter from Alvah H. Worden to William Henry Seward, January 28, 1832

action: sent

sender: Alvah Worden


Name: Alvah Worden Birth: 1797-03-06 Death: 1856-02-16

location: Auburn NY


Name:  City:  Auburn County:  Cayuga State:  NY Country:  US

receiver: William Seward


Name: William Seward Birth: 1801-05-16 Death: 1872-10-10

location: Unknown

transcription: nds 

revision: crb 2016-03-15

Page 1

Auburn Jany 28. 1832
Dear Sir,
I have been thinking seriously of what I mentioned you in my
last letter about Burgess


Name: Oscar Burges Birth: 1806 Death: 1882-12-07
, and have consulted some of my friends— and
particularly those that reside about the creek— They seem anxious that
a law office should be opened there or some place East of the bridge
and are soliciting lawyers to come there— I have come to some under-
standing with Burgess, and have told him that if I made any
arrangements with him. I should not consider them as binding after
I was admitted— that the opening an office would be only an exper-
iment— and if when I became admitted. we should find any
business. grown upon our hands sufficient to warrant it we would then
make some permanent agreement— I have no fears but when I
am fairnaly admitted I can support my family at the law — but at
present I am obliged in order to study the profession to be in a Law
office — Woods


Name: Thomas Wood Birth: 1798-10-06 Death: 1839-02-20
office is all one side from Justice business — and
I git but little of that — I cannot open an office alone and have
my time go on — The location across the Creek is better both for law
business and for Justice business than where I am — and it strikes
me — that by opening an office with Burgess I shall be able to
get something of a foot hold by next fall — in business — and the
opening a law office across the Creek at this time would keep out
any other I consider it a good location— and better than any other
in the County


Name: Cayuga County City:   County:  Cayuga State:  NY Country:  US
— there seems to be a general wish that we should
open an office there among the inhabitants that side of the
Creek — we shall gain the influence of 1/3 of the Village and I
think that we can do a fair business there — I think it is a good
opportunity, and one which should be embraced and so do all my
friends — I do not wish to have Burgess have any interest in the Books
Page 2

as I have given him to understand that if we open an office together each are
to be at liberty to close the concern at any time — You see by the list of Books
I sent you that my library is very good — You may also think that I should
study harder than clerks usually do, I believe I do — and therefore in order
that I may be sone somewhat better acquainted with Law that is expected
of young men who enter the profession — I want to make out my library
complete as to state Reports — Capt Worden


Name: Allen Warden Birth: 1781-02-26 Death: 1854-10-31
will sign a note with me
for 100 Dollars worth of books as I think, if Gold


Name: William Gould Birth: 1772 Death: 1846-01-20
will wait one or two years
for his pay as I understand he will — but I think Gold would send them
to me if you should tell him he would get his pay — I want
9. Vols Cowen Reports
6. " — Wendels Reports
Rules of Supreme Court —
Rules of Chancery —
the System Laws of 1830 31 — &
the Revised Statutes
I do not care about Cowens digest it is a 
poor concern
NB Some of the Reports ^10th^ badly bound & also
the Revised Statutes. if you send these books have
this looked to —
With these books I shall want no more unless such as I
can procure myself occasionally — these may amount to $100— I can
I think pay for them without asking any assistance — and you see
fit to order them for me — I will consider them as yours untill the
debt is paid and If I have such sucess as I hope— I can
pay for them myself — I do not wish the books mine considered as
mine — and if you send them to me they must be borrowed books
in my hands —
I have given this business mature deliberation and seeing
that business is increasing that side of the Creek — and that the in-
habitants are anxious to have a law office opened there, and see-
ing also that an opportunity presents of locating myself better
both as regards law business & Justices business than I now am
I think my interests require that I should embrace the oportunity
Yours &c
A Worden

[left Margin] seward-pen


Name: William Seward Birth: 1801-05-16 Death: 1872-10-10
A. Worden
28 Feb. 1832.

Saturday, January 28, 1832