Letter from Benjamin Jennings Seward to William Henry Seward, April 17, 1838
Letter from Benjamin Jennings Seward to William Henry Seward, April 17, 1838
student editorTranscriber:spp:sss
Distributor:Seward Family Papers Project
Institution:University of Rochester
Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections
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Letter from Benjamin Jennings Seward to William Henry Seward, April 17, 1838
action: sent
Benjamin Seward
Name: Benjamin Seward
Birth: 1793-08-23
Death: 1841-02-24
Westfield NY
Name: City: Westfield
County: Chautauqua
State: NY
Country: US
William Seward
Name: William Seward
Birth: 1801-05-16
Death: 1872-10-10
New York NY
Name: City: New York
State: NY
Country: US
transcription: sgl
revision: ekk 2015-11-23
Page 1
Chautauqua Land Office
Westfield April 17, 1838
Dear Henry
Another week has passed and
I am to come to report our doings. We
have recieved three or four hundred dol-
lars, renewed four one year articles
and taken seven mortegages since I last
wrote: - Small business! - few customers!
The executed deeds have arrived
from Batavia
Name: City: Batavia
County: Genesee
State: NY
Country: US
& we are [
Alternate Text: reordering them
every day makes the number of un-
filled up Bonds & mortegages less and
although we have not finished up the
rear business of the office, we are get-
ting into the position occupied by
"Ignaramus" we can "see through."
Junius Smith
Name: Junius Smith
Birth: 1807-05-13
Death: 1864-07-29
from Batavia
was here today from Batavia ^with his father^ .
From him I learned something of
your manner of settlement with V. Hall
Name: Peter Van Hall
Birth: 1799-12-23
He expected to find the schedules of
Page 2
modifications here, but as he had
been visiting a few days in Fredonia
Name: City: Fredonia
County: Chautauqua
State: NY
Country: US
they passed him on the road.
Our orders are out for 16 fore-
closures, one to each of the lawyers
in the county & equal numbers to each
of the newspapers. A summons to the
one year article man will follow soon –
of which I will send you a copy – you
will see that it is urgent but respectful.
We are striving to do what
we can to produce proper impressions
around the county, not to terrify
any so that they will stay away
nor to encourage any to believe
that an effort to pay a little will
be dispensed with. But indeed
it is often difficult to determine what
is best. Ol I hope however to
sustain the reputation of the office
for justice & moderation, although
I am not insensible to the fact
Page 3
that I am regarded us more severe
in my administration than you are.
I shall endeavor to guard against
losses & to inspire a disposition to pay
among the settlers.
Name: Augustus Seward
Birth: 1820-05-18
Death: 1889-05-08
has arrived: – is in
good health, sets in at work in the
office at once, but I know not that his
lack of knowledge will allow him
to earn a penny: but he will, I
trust learn something useful to
[ hims ]
Reason: wax-sealelf.
My health is a little im-
proved from what it was when I wrote
last & more from what it was when
you left us. I am thinking that the
cares of the office, and every day brings
employment for the morrow; are not
likely to allow me time to ride about
as I had proposed, and to make sure
of more full recovery & greater certainty
of doing a good summers work, I will
avail myself of your kind offer to
Page 4
run away for a while, not to go to
Name: Orange County City:
County: Orange
State: NY
Country: US
as you suggested, but to take
a Political missionary ing tour to along the Southern
tier of counties, with Marcia
Name: Marcia Seward
Birth: 1794-07-23
Death: 1839-10-25
, living on my
own dinner basket, to Osw ago
Name: City: Oswego
County: Oswego
State: NY
Country: US
where I could
recruit it and return with out much ex-
pense. If the weather favours & business
shapes so as to admit, I would take to go
about the first Monday in May. Write me
there. The Lord prosper you.
Your grateful Brother
B J Seward
Wm. H. Seward Esq
care Am. Life Ins. & Trust Co
New York City
Type: postmark
Name: William Seward
Birth: 1801-05-16
Death: 1872-10-10
B.J. Seward
April 17, 1838.
Chautauqua Land Office
Westfield April 17, 1838
Dear Henry
Another week has passed and
I am to come to report our doings. We
have recieved three or four hundred dol-
lars, renewed four one year articles
and taken seven mortegages since I last
wrote: - Small business! - few customers!
The executed deeds have arrived
from Batavia
Alternate Text
every day makes the number of un-
filled up Bonds & mortegages less and
although we have not finished up the
rear business of the office, we are get-
ting into the position occupied by
"Ignaramus" we can "see through."
Junius Smith
was here today from Batavia ^with his father^ .
From him I learned something of
your manner of settlement with V. Hall
He expected to find the schedules of
modifications here, but as he had
been visiting a few days in Fredonia
they passed him on the road.
Our orders are out for 16 fore-
closures, one to each of the lawyers
in the county & equal numbers to each
of the newspapers. A summons to the
one year article man will follow soon –
of which I will send you a copy – you
will see that it is urgent but respectful.
We are striving to do what
we can to produce proper impressions
around the county, not to terrify
any so that they will stay away
nor to encourage any to believe
that an effort to pay a little will
be dispensed with. But indeed
it is often difficult to determine what
is best. Ol I hope however to
sustain the reputation of the office
for justice & moderation, although
I am not insensible to the fact
that I am regarded us more severe
in my administration than you are.
I shall endeavor to guard against
losses & to inspire a disposition to pay
among the settlers.
good health, sets in at work in the
office at once, but I know not that his
lack of knowledge will allow him
to earn a penny: but he will, I
trust learn something useful to
[ hims ]
My health is a little im-
proved from what it was when I wrote
last & more from what it was when
you left us. I am thinking that the
cares of the office, and every day brings
employment for the morrow; are not
likely to allow me time to ride about
as I had proposed, and to make sure
of more full recovery & greater certainty
of doing a good summers work, I will
avail myself of your kind offer to
run away for a while, not to go to
a Political missionary ing tour to along the Southern
tier of counties, with Marcia
own dinner basket, to Osw ago
recruit it and return with out much ex-
pense. If the weather favours & business
shapes so as to admit, I would take to go
about the first Monday in May. Write me
there. The Lord prosper you.
Your grateful Brother
B J Seward
Wm. H. Seward Esq
care Am. Life Ins. & Trust Co
New York City
April 17, 1838.
Tuesday, April 17, 1838