Spring Lawn, NY

Place Name: 
Spring Lawn, NY
The supposed Long Island estate of JWW and HSW, which Frances mentions leaving to visit in 18401004FMS_CMM1. JWW’s grandson-in-law had an estate called “Spring Lawn” in MA, see this link: http://issuu.com/acanthus_press/docs/pages_from_berkshires_houses. Additionally, the note written on the back of a photograph further the family link, see here: https://www.digitalcommonwealth.org/search/commonwealth:rj430t247. It's inferred that Alexandre, JWW's grandson-in-law, named his MA home after the original Spring Lawn in Long Island, the estate of JWW and HSW. Actual confirmation of this link is missing. Further information found here: http://s-media.nyc.gov/agencies/lpc/arch_reports/614.pdf. http://issuu.com/acanthus_press/docs/pages_from_berkshires_houses
City/Town/Village Name: 
Spring Lawn
State or Province: 
New York
United States

Geolocation is 40.7891424, -73.13496049999998