Person Information


Found in 18330915BJS_WHS1. BJS comments that WHS's letters tell them more than Sprague's book on his tour in Europe. 
Rev. William Buell Sprague was a noted Presbyterian minister and author. He graduated from Yale College and Princeton Theological Seminary. He served as pastor at Second Presbyterian Church in Albany, New York, for forty years.
He was a philographer who collected over 100,000 signatures of famous men. He was the son of Benjamin Sprague and Sybil Buell and the husband of 1) Charlotte Eaton, daughter of Gen. William Eaton; 2) Mary Lathrop (1804-1837); and 2) Henrietta Burritt Lathrop (1805-1893). 

Letter References


Biography and Citation Information:
Found in 18330915BJS_WHS1. BJS comments that WHS's letters tell them more than Sprague's book on his tour in Europe. Rev. William Buell Sprague was a noted Presbyterian minister and author. He graduated from Yale College and Princeton Theological Seminary. He served as pastor at Second Presbyterian Church in Albany, New York, for forty years. He was a philographer who collected over 100,000 signatures of famous men. He was the son of Benjamin Sprague and Sybil Buell and the husband of 1) Charlotte Eaton, daughter of Gen. William Eaton; 2) Mary Lathrop (1804-1837); and 2) Henrietta Burritt Lathrop (1805-1893).
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