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    Trumbull Cary

    Birth: 1829

    Death: 3-29-1832

    Birth Date Prefix: c.

    Death Date Prefix:

    Nickname: Trummy



Trummy was the son of Trumbull Cary and Margaret Brisbane Cary. In 18311225FMS_LMW1, FMS describes Trummy as "a little fellow not much larger than our Fred he is 2 years and a half & begins to talk quite plain." While boarding in Albany, FMS describes his illness leading up to his death on March 29, 1832 in her letters.


Biography and Citation Information:

Trummy was the son of Trumbull Cary and Margaret Brisbane Cary. In 18311225FMS_LMW1, FMS describes Trummy as "a little fellow not much larger than our Fred he is 2 years and a half & begins to talk quite plain." While boarding in Albany, FMS describes his illness leading up to his death on March 29, 1832 in her letters.

Citation for Birth Info:
Citation Notes: 
In 18311225FMS_LMW1, FMS describes Trummy as "a little fellow not much larger than our Fred he is 2 years and a half & begins to talk quite plain."
Citation for Death Info:
Citation Notes: 
In 18320405FMS_LMW1, FMS notes Trummy's death and burial.